About Me

Here’s some general information about me and what I like to do

I love watching anime such as bunny girl senpai, attack on titan, bleach, slime isekai, and many more. I started watching anime when I was 12 back in middle school when a friend introduced it to me and I was really interested in it, he gave me a couple of recommendations and I really loved these stories, emotions, fights, ETC. I’ve been watching anime ever since. A couple of anime I recommend to new watchers is Demon Slayer, attack on titan, My hero academia, and Love is war.

More about me is that I love playing video games, Same with anime I was introduced to video games at a younger age by my brothers at the time we had a GameCube, me and my brothers playing on the GameCube is the earliest memory I can remember of me playing a video game/console. The game we played was Starfox Adventures. I would always lose because I didn’t know what to do or how to win. As I got older I started to learn how these games work and got a natural grasp of things. These are some games that I love playing growing up and recently.

Lastly, I love going to the gym and working out, back in high school my friend offered me to join him in a workout and I said sure, Thanks to him I fell in love with the gym. Here are videos of me doing a bench press, the total weight was 115, that was my first time ever bench pressing 45s plates consistently and I was proud of that.